We have talked about the current Governor of California
- remember this is an important person - California has a population and a wealth that puts it (if it were a seperate country) in the top 10 in the world.
Well, on our first day in San Francisco, we met him!
He is, of course, Arnold Schwarnegger, and we usually think of him as looking lke the picture on the left. In reality, he looks like this:Sure enough, he emerges a few minutes later, surrounded by his entourage of mean looking blokes in dark suits and even darker shades.
Arnie decides to do an impromptu walkabout into the public part of the Ferry Building, much to the intense interest of the locals (and two English tourists).
He walks fast, is surprisingly not very tall, and you still won't mess with him. Then he causes total chaos by going into the coffee shop to get a drink - we didn't hang around to see if, like royalty, he doesn't carry any cash.