Monday, 24 March 2008

Leg 4: Auckland to Christchurch: 475 miles

It makes a change not to be changing countries, continents and time zones. Domestic airflight in New Zealand is also a bit of a shock - there is no security, no immigration, everyone is relaxed - I half expected the pilot to shout over the lounge "is everyone ready?" to get going.

Here is a picure of the plane we flew in:

As you can see the front of the plane is damaged - we were walking behind one of the flight crew and could overhear what he was saying to some passengers. Apparently 'young Timmy' had overshot the runaway and had 'just glanced' a building. Everyone was quite pleased, however, since there was a strong chance that Timmy wasn't going to make anything near a landing. And, as you can see, they soon patched up the nose of the plane and we were assured that it would last a few flights. I didn't ask whether 'Timmy' was the pilot or not - I reckoned it was best not to know.